Hardwiring change through recruitment practices

Genuit Group, one of our Strategic Partners, shares the ways they have been building their D&I initiatives and leading inclusive change through their recruitment process and practices.

At Genuit, we firmly believe that fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do but will also help us achieve our wider strategic goals. We launched our D&I ambition and strategy during National Inclusion Week in 2022, focused on four pillars: leadership, education, policy and communication. We have continued to bring this strategy to life for employees over the last year, ensuring we focus not just on the communication and celebrational activity but also on hardwiring change into the policy and processes of the group.

A significant example of this is over the last year we have been redefining and implementing a new group recruitment policy and process.  The core of this change is to ensure we attract and hire the best candidates for each role, and we know to do this we need to promote diversity of those joining the business and ensuring fairness and equity throughout hiring. Importantly we have been clear that in making these changes we are widening the pool of talent we are accessing not lowering the bar we are hiring.

Some of the changes we have made have included ensuring shortlists for senior roles are diverse and selection panels where possible are diverse, along with gathering diversity data through all elements of the process. The outcome of the changes in relation to Diversity have been positive and including greater diversity representation in senior roles, an increase in diversity for all hires, and in turn overall we now have greater diversity within our workforce.

The data gained through gathering D&I data from application has been insightful and supported busting some myths about diversity of candidate pools, and also highlighting where we need to increase education and awareness within the hiring process.

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